Monograph AB–I,
Luc Coeckelberghs

AB–I, Luc Coeckelberghs brings together four decennia of Coeckelberghs’ artistic practice. The main core of his oeuvre consists of paintings, along with sculptural work and installations. This monograph shows the evolution over time in the artist’s use of materials, means, techniques and forms. Highlighted throughout this monograph are the core questions of his research, which is centered around the concept of space in art; whether it is expressed in a two or three-dimensional way or in a four-dimensional way, physically and mentally.

With texts by the artist, Dirk Snauwaert, Isabelle De Baets, Lies Daenen, Etienne Van den Bergh and Marc Renwart. Author Frank Maes joins in for a conversation that further reflects on the art theoretical and philosophical context of Coeckelberghs’ work.

280 pages / 29,5 × 22,6 cm 
Authors: Lies Daenen, Isabelle De Baets, Etienne Van den Bergh, Dirk Snauwaert
Book design: Studio Luc Derycke 
Published by AsaMER
EN / NL / FR
ISBN: 978 94 9177 561 1
ISNI: 0000 0001 3973 4122

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